Juxtaposition: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect
Proof: Proven experience, proven difference, backed with facts
Juxtaproof is a boutique studio of talented designers who craft tailored brands and rebrands suited to your individual needs. We help you stand out in the crowd with a cohesive and clear brand identity. We create custom visual elements for businesses aiming to make their existing brand identity more cohesive, unique, and fresh through rebrands, murals, and improved marketing strategy.
The Dream Team
Bree Rice
Co-Founder, Creative Director
Designer, marketer, and chips and salsa aficionado living in Pittsburgh, PA. Bree specializes in brand collateral and standards, digital assets, signage, and print collateral, such as billboards, editorial pieces, and mail. Bree initially started her career in marketing but dove into design in 2016. Bree co-founded Juxtaproof with several years of agency and freelance experience. When she’s not working, you can find her swimming, traveling, or hanging out with her husband and their Australian Shepherds.
Cassie Rupert
Co-Founder, Brand Strategist
Designer, content strategist, and communications professional living in Pittsburgh, PA. Cassie specializes in brand strategy and storytelling. Cassie’s unique communications career brings a blend of marketing, content creation, public relations, project management, and design experience to our team. Cassie’s experience spans across non-profit and large and small agencies. When not working, you’ll find her hiking, reading, traveling, or obsessing over her cockapoo.
Rachel Keeney
Co-Founder, Art Director
Designer and illustrator living in Weirton, WV. Rachel has a history of working with hospitality, higher-ed, non-profit, and small business clients. Rachel also has a background in biology, which lends to her love of researching and experimenting until she finds the best solution. When she’s not working, she’s likely hanging out with her husband, baby girl, and their small zoo of animals at their apple orchard home.